Frequently Asked Questions
Questions and Answers
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Questions and Answers

Below you will find the questions that have been answered over the course of a decade while Hans Peter Willems was researching and developing the ASTRID system. As you can imagine, most of the obvious questions have been asked already (and many times over) and you will find the answers to those. In addition, you will find answers to some less obvious questions as well.


This section of the website is actively maintained and new FAQ items are added over time. This might involve new questions we encounter in our daily operations, but also questions from the past decade that we simply didn't get to yet to include here.

Please let us know if you have a question that could or even should be in here. We gladly answer and add it here.

© 2021-2023 MIND|CONSTRUCT  
Public Media

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Why didn't I hear about MIND|CONSTRUCT before

When the majority of the people who are involved in Artificial Intelligence research believe that it is impossible to already have developed a working AGI system, doing this is an up-hill battle (but we did it). Especially with the incredible hype machine behind Deep Learning, the media that informs the public is not interested in anything that goes against the current state of the field.

Although we did get some minor media attention over the last couple of years, eventually we decided that developing this technology could benefit from “flying under the radar”. This is basically what we did for the last few years, while developing the technology to the level it is now.

Now that the technology has already proved itself in testing and even (public) demonstrations, it is time to let the world know about ASTRID. That is why we no longer “fly under the radar”.