Work with us: Champion Employees
Image: ThisIsEngineering 
Work with us: Champion Employees

Someone said, “A Champion Company has Champion Employees” and we wholeheartedly agree with that. A company can only be as good as the employees who are driving it.

Ambition, drive, knowledge, competence and trustworthiness are keywords describing the kind of people we look for. But also enthusiasm,  resilience and a great personality are obvious traits that fit a champion employee.


Here at MIND|CONSTRUCT we are continuously scouting for top talent, so we know where to find the most skilled people, when we need them.

If you are a Champion Employee with competences that fit our company, and you are looking to work in a top-tier team of scientists and developers, then don't hesitate to submit your resume to us for review.

© 2021-2023 MIND|CONSTRUCT  

The ASTRID project encompasses a broad field of scientific and technological domains: Cognitive Science, Neural Science, Behavioral Science, Linguistics, Anthropology, Information Technology and Software Engineering, Cybersecurity, just to name the obvious ones. If you are working in any of these domains, or you are aspiring to work in any of these domains, there might be a place for you in our company.

Besides those technological and scientific tasks we have the obvious jobs that are prevalent in any serious organization: Upper and middle management, financials, human resources, technical support staff and of course sales and customer support.


MIND|CONSTRUCT headquarters is currently located in the Netherlands. For the very near future our workforce will also be located in the Netherlands. However, as we are a software company and therefor not dependent on a specific location to do our Research and Development, we might relocate our headquarters in the future because of growth or other economic reasons.

Besides the possibility to relocate our headquarters (as we moved to a larger office already twice in the last six years), we are also gearing up to open additional offices around the world. If you are interested to be stationed in the United States or Asia (besides Europe) then we are also very interested in your resume.

© 2021-2023 MIND|CONSTRUCT  
Upload your Resume

MIND|CONSTRUCT is actively scouting for Champions that are looking for a new challenge. If you recognize yourself in that description, and would be interested to work on cutting-edge technology together with a Champion team, please upload your Resume. It doesn't matter if you are just starting out in the field, or already have a longer career behind you, we might be interested to work with you.

We will contact you as soon as we set up new teams while growing the company. We might ask for an application letter or skip right to a meeting. 


Your document MUST be in PDF-format. Documents that are not legitimate PDF-documents are automatically removed from our system, including your contact information. Uploaded documents are stored outside the web server, so your privacy is secured at all times.

Check our Data-retention policy for additional information.

Open the Resume Upload Form
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