Standing on Shoulders of Giants
Standing on Shoulders of Giants

Technology like the ASTRID system doesn't happen overnight. A full decade of research and development may seem a long time, but it is very short, considering that thousands of scientists and developers over the stretch of nearly 75 years couldn't solve the Commonsense Knowledge problem. Putting General Intelligence into a machine and making it learn like we humans do has even been deemed impossible.

Still, during those 75 years, great insights were found that made up the scientific field of Symbolic AI, the foundation that led to the realization of the ASTRID system. Homage must be paid to the great pioneers of Artificial Intelligence that laid the groundwork for what we achieved in the past ten years. Alan Turing, John McCarthy, Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon, and of course Marvin Minsky (all shown above) are just few of the heroes that paved the way.


The development of ASTRID has therefore been a clear case of “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants”. Starting with the strong foundation of a Symbolic Approach to Artificial Intelligence, and augmenting that with the ability to actually learn Commonsense Knowledge autonomously, is what has made the ASTRID project into what it is today.

However, it is not only the Artificial Intelligence researchers of the Symbolic AI era that were pivotal in the development. To find the needed insights to create ASTRID, Hans Peter did research across several scientific domains. Neural Science, Behavioral Science, Data and Computer Science, (Early) Child Development and even Anthropology are all areas of interest when you want to build a human-like digital brain.

The Codedness Development Platform
Image: Markus Spiske 
The Codedness Development Platform

One significant driver behind the realization of the ASTRID system is the internal availability of the Codedness Development Platform. Build on top of the first generation Code Generator that Hans Peter developed and build years ago, and that was used in the early stages of the ASTRID development, Codedness is a completely integrated system that accelerates development many folds.

Codedness IDE is a fully Integrated, web-based Development Environment. It covers multi-user development with granular authorization and access-level control, an integrated template engine that is fully target-platform agnostic, fully integrated versioning of all project assets, full project management and tracking facilities, automated packaging and (remote) deployment, and much more.



Codedness is basically where Model-Driven Architecture meets DevOps: Generating fully useable applications from a basic data-model and integrating that with a full-stack deployment infrastructure.

Having this tool-stack also resulted in MIND|CONSTRUCT having all custom build and fully tailored applications in operation for Project Management, Knowledge Management, Finance, Human Resource Management, Quality Control and Customer/Client Relationship Management.

Codedness Logo

  External Articles
  • DevOps: What It Is and Why It Matters 
  • 15 reasons why you should start using Model Driven Development 

Papers & Publications


Because most of the ASTRID technology is proprietary, not much has been published about its research and development over the previous years. However, Hans Peter's paper on Machine Consciousness has been referred to as being “The current BEST statement of criteria required that might mark the development of Consciousness in a machine system.” (Machine Dreaming and Consciousness, J.F. Pagel).


New papers and articles will emerge in the (near) future and added here as soon as they are published.

Follow us on our official Telegram channel or any of the other Social Media channels to stay up-to-date about new publications and other events. Hit the button in the top-right corner of this page to find our Social Media outlets.

  Internal Articles
  • Super Intelligence won't kill us! 
  Internal Papers & Reports
  • ASTRID: Bootstrapping Commonsense Knowledge - Hans Peter Willems (2021) 
  • Self-learning Symbolic AI: A critical appraisal - Hans Peter Willems (2021) 
  • Why we need 'Conscious Artificial Intelligence' - Hans Peter Willems (2012) 
