Invest in your future
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Invest in your future

Being a Deep-Tech start-up means that investing in us means investing in the future.

Whether you are considering an investment in MIND|CONSTRUCT or have already been a shareholder for a few years or even longer, we are committed to providing you with the relevant information. This will help you to make informed, confident decisions about your investment in our company. With you on our side, we will continue to make our vision reality and create a better future.

The groundwork has already been laid by us in realizing the first Unsupervised Autonomous Learning system. The current ASTRID /BRAIN-5 Cognitive Architecture already shows unparalleled capabilities that are a sure promise for the near future.


In the coming years, the ASTRID technology will make inroads into all facets of our lives. From Decision Support systems that are capable of making morally grounded choices in extremely complex situations, to fully autonomous robotics that can take care of tasks deemed too dangerous for humans. From real autonomous vehicles that can understand what is going on around them, to machines that can take care of situations in an almost human way where needed. When it comes to ASTRID, even the sky is not the limit.

Here at MIND|CONSTRUCT, we have always had our sights set on the future with our feet firmly planted in the present. Our strategic objective has always been clear: Build a better Future.

Project Progress


The ASTRID project has several working technologies that already can be implemented to augment other existing technologies. However, we are also very close to reaching the goal of building a full Artificial General Intelligence. The chart below shows the state of our progress in contrast to other major players in the field.

The chart represents seven major scientific and technological areas that are accepted in the field as being important or even necessary for achieving full Artificial General Intelligence.


From this chart it should be clear that MIND|CONSTRUCT is far ahead of the competition. Some of these projects are already running much longer than the ASTRID project and several players state to be at least a decade away from a usable AGI system.

We based the status information on other players below on interpretation of the progress information on their respective websites. If you think we misrepresented certain information, then don't hesitate to contact us.

  Natural Language World Model Cross-domain Knowledge Transfer Learning Reasoning Analogies Comprehension
  Recognize Natural Language patterns and parse those into structured knowledge. Build a complex World Model from learned information. Combine Cross-domain knowledge to gain new knowledge and insights. Unsupervised learning of available human knowledge. Causal, Temporal and Structural reasoning, based on a complex world-model. Reason with analogous concepts to find new possibilities. Have real-world comprehension and understanding of human values.

- ASTRID system -

Comparison to other Major players in the field of Artificial General Intelligence
LLM - OpenAI, etc.              
Deep Mind (Google)              
IBM - Watson              
AI2 (Allen Institute)              
Novamente - OpenCog              
Numenta - HTM              
Vicarious - Robotics              


   Working implementation    Research & Development underway    Future planning    No clear direction

Strategic Highlights


As our company grows and evolves, we believe in delivering great value to our shareholders. The ASTRID project was launched in the aftermath of the global financial crisis of 2007-2008, and we weathered the first economic downturn that the 2020 Corona Crisis delivered. So far, we not only survived those hurdles but kept going.

The Gartner 2020 Hype Cycle (see External Articles below) shows their expectancy of Self Supervised Learning, Responsible AI and Explainable AI are either at the innovation Trigger phase or already at the Peak of Inflated Expectations. At the same time, they expect these technologies to take at least 5–10 years to reach productivity. Considering that MIND|CONSTRUCT has these technologies already functional, paints a clear picture of us being far ahead of the curve.


It should be clear that there is a huge First Mover Advantage for the first company that develops a working Artificial General Intelligence. The two important concepts in that statement are 'First' and 'Working'.

Here at MIND|CONSTRUCT we are confident that we are the first company that got this far, as we have tackled that first concept in the prediction above. We also tackled the second one, as our ASTRID system is actually working, and demonstrates to have most, if not all, of the qualities and capabilities that define a real AGI system.

Because of this fact, we see a very prosperous and successful future for both The Company and our shareholders.

  External Articles
  • The Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2020 
  • Forrester Predictions 2021: The Time Is Now For AI To Shine 
  External Papers & Reports
  • Deep Tech: The Great Wave of Innovation (PDF) 

Metrics & Facts

Headquarters (Temporary) Heinkenszand, The Netherlands
CEO/CTO Hans Peter Willems
Global Locations Europe (The Netherlands), USA (in planning)
Business Domains AGI, Cybernetics, Health, Disaster Response, Aerospace, Transportation, Security
Company founded 2014
Chamber of Commerce Reg. 61352489
VAT registration status Tax-exempt
